Which type of healthy food is needed regularly?

Which type of healthy food is needed regularly?

A balanced diet includes a variety of healthy foods from different groups to provide essential nutrients. Recommended foods to include are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats, dairy or alternatives, legumes, nuts, seeds, herbs, spices, and hydration. Ensure portion control, limit processed foods, added sugars, and unhealthy fats for overall well-being. Consider individual dietary needs and consult a healthcare provider or dietitian for personalized advice.
Colorful veggies should be a part of the daily diet. Ideally, one should eat at least five 1/2 cup servings of different colors of vegetables every day.
It is easy to choose red cabbage instead of green cabbage. Enjoy golden yellow sweet potatoes, orange carrots, dark green leafy veggies, white cauliflower, etc.
Carbohydrates, vegetables, proteins

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